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Scripting Languages

Recently, I had an interesting discussion about "What's the distinguishing feature of so-called scripting languages?" We easily agreed on calling Python, Ruby, Groovy, Tcl, Perl etc. as scripting languages. But then the trouble started: What distinguishes Python, Ruby etc. from Java, C#, C++ and similar languages? Is it dynamic typing? Are they more introspective? Isn't it so that meta-programming is no difficulty at all with scripting languages?

Some whisper that a Python or Ruby programmer is as much as 2-5 times more productive than a Java/C# programmer. As a matter of fact, programs written in so-called scripting languages tend to be significantly shorter than their "unscripted" counterparts. Such a discussion typically moves over into an almost religious debate about static and dynamic typing. Programs in Python and Ruby might be shorter but they are unsafe because of dynamic typing. Static typing is the way to go for large programs being developed with many developers -- say the Java and C# advocates. And they have a point. Write unit tests, say the Pythoneers and Rubyists, which you are supposed to write anyhow. As a side-effect, your unit tests easily uncover all typing related bugs. You're not better off with a statically typed language, they say.

While such discussions are interesting our main question remains unanswered. What's the distinguishing feature of scripting languages? Most scripting languages are dynamically typed. But C# for example is catching up here. Are scripting languages interpreted languages? Python compiles to byte code internally, so does Java. Do they have unique reflective and introspective capabilities? To some extend, yes, but Java and C# are also quite powerful in this respect. Is programm size the only criteria? Regarding size, Haskell is a serious competitor. Haskell is statically typed (it requires a minimum of explicit type declarations) and quite dense in expressivity.

I think that the name "scripting language" is not very helpful these days anymore. It's historically motivated. In the early days of computing, users had to interact with their machines by typing in commands in a command line. Soon, the command line was embedded in a so-called shell. Famous shells under Unix are the bourne shell (bsh), csh, tcsh; another specialized automation tool for software developers is "make". The shell provided means to automate -- script -- repetitive tasks. This kind of "programming" inspired languages like Perl. These languages weren't regarded as "serious" languages like e.g. C/C++. They were typically interpreted and relatively slow in execution. However, these languages matured over time and inspired other designers to create "glue" languages like Python or Tcl/Tk. Because of their interpretative nature it was easy to add introspective features and meta-programming facilities. The idea of being a scripting or "glue" language vanished over time. They became full-fledged implementation languages on their own right and kept the philosophy of being flexible and easy to use to solve problems. I think it is not appropriate anymore to call them "scripting languages".

However, some of these "scripting languages" introduced a feature none of the compile-execute languages offered: The "programmable command line" languages introduced interactivity!

And that is the key point, it's the distinguishing feature: Interactivity requires to design a language in a certain way. To be interactive, relatively small chunks of text must represent syntactically valid program fragments in order to query or incrementally modify the run-time environment.

The way to interact with the run-tim environment in non-interactive compile-execute languages is via the debugger. A tool that is rarely taught in combination with a non-interactive programming language. It's quite much a different experience to work with a debugger or interactively via an interactive command-line. A debugger is built around a representation of the run-time model and usually establishes a bridge towards the language the original program is written in. Interactive languages connect your programming experience with the run-time model in a consistent language-related way but still might shield some implementation details from the programmer a debugger shamelessly unveils.

So the point is that interactive languages have a severe impact (a) on the syntactic language design and (b) they establish a certain way of how you perceive and experience the run-time environment of your language. This explains the shortness of interactive programs, it also explains the agility in the development process and its perceived prouctivity: quickly testing a program at the console results in immediate feedback to the programmer. This helps learning a language a lot and helps get a better run-time understanding. It's just fun and feels cool. There are only two languages I know of which have taken the implications of interactivity (small chunks of text represent valid syntactic programs and an incremental run-time experience) to an extreme: Forth and Factor!

This does not mean, that non-interactive languages are not useful and important! They just feel a bit different. Due to their lack of interactivity they feel less "handy", so to speak.

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